Invasive Plant Management, Graham and David Mitigation Bank
Wild Ginger Field Services manages the contract and field work for invasive plant species treatment and control at the Graham and David Mitigation Bank. The subcontractor is RiverWorks, a North Carolina–based firm. Wild Ginger Field Services maintains a supervisory role in the project, investigating the invasive species and the chemicals proposed for treatment, following onsite results, reporting to IRT (the interagency review team), and compiling records of the work completed.
Date: August 2014-August 2015
Client: Graham and David Mitigation Bank
Mitigation Banking Instrument Creation, Graham and David Stream Mitigation Bank, Elliston, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services edited a draft Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) for submission to the IRT (May 2013-May 2014). The work included managing a plant survey of rare, threatened, and endangered species (RTE) [and report from Virginia Department of Natural Heritage, a cultural and historical survey and report from Virginia Department of Historical Resources, an invasive plant assessment, GIS assessments, baseline documentation, site surveys, long-term management plan development and budgeting, and a Unified Stream Methodology (USM) credit calculation. This work involved multiple revisions throughout 2013 and 2014, frequent communication with the IRT members and legal reviewers, and complete understanding of the MBI documents. The document forms the foundation of the Graham and David Bank’s legal operating status.
Date: May 2013-May 2014
Client: Graham and David Mitigation Bank
General Services Area expansion request, Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Nellysford, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services developed a general services area (GSA) expansion request report for Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank. This report consisted of identification of applicable state-level data on macroinvertebrates, stream habitats, and water quality that were local to the Bank and assessing these data in relation to data from streams further from the Bank. This assessment and reporting was to establish a valid claim for Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank in requesting that their GSA be expanded from just west of route 29 to include the full counties of Nelson, Albemarle, and Amherst.
Date: March-May 2014
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank
Bacova Stream Buffer Planting, Bath County, VA
We completed a stream buffer planting on a restored stream in Bacova, Virginia, in March 2014, including 200 bare-root native tree seedlings and 400 native live-stakes on site. Each planted specimen was flagged for ease of future recognition and follow-up.
Date: March 2014
Client: Blueline Environmental
Annual Monitoring, Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Nelson County, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services has been contracted since 2013 to complete the annual monitoring at both phases of Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Glenthorne Farm phase 1 and Glen Rhue Phase 2. Monitoring for phase 1 shall continue through 2018, and monitoring at Glen Rhue shall continue through 2019. Annual monitoring consists of a comprehensive stream survey (longitudinal profile, permanent cross sections, bank pins, pebble counts), invasive plant survey, stem counts, and ecosystem health assessment.
Date: February 2013-2019
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank
Long Term Management Plan, Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Nellysford, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services was hired to review, edit, and develop a narrative and budget for a draft long-term management plan of Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank LLC. This process included interagency review team (IRT) submission, review, edit, and subsequent submission and acceptance throughout late 2013 and early 2014.
Date: March 2013-March 2014
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank
Field Lecture to Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Nelson County, VA
A staff member of Wild Ginger Field Services conducted a field trip lecture for VMI students in the field at Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank. The talk focused on the ecosystem restoration principles of mitigation banks and the business model for this for-profit business.
Date: November 2013
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank/Virginia Military Institute
Draft Site Prospectus, Nelson County, VA
We completed a draft site plan for a stream and wetland enhancement and preservation mitigation banking project, June 2013. This included a GIS assessment, credit calculations, site assessments, site visit with IRT staff, IRT meeting preparation, and draft prospectus development.
Date: June 2013
Client: Unnamed Mitigation Bank
Tree Planting, Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Nelson County, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services assessed site conditions and prior planting efforts at this 114- acre site to understand tree mortality and failure to establish forest canopy. This assessment included soil testing, survivorship assessment of planted trees species distribution, vegetation heterogeneity assessment, GIS analysis of the site using aerial imagery, qualitative site hydrology, and land use history. We communicated with the previous consulting company regarding their work onsite and conducted a field visit with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Department of Environmental Quality staff to explain the current conditions and discuss future management options. We developed a new species list for replanting in March 2013 and wrote a memorandum expressing the reasons for the species choices to the interagency review team for comments.
Date: December 2013-March 2014
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank
Invasive Plant Management, Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank, Nelson County, VA
We conducted a thorough invasive species site assessment in November 2012, including GPS mapping of species distribution. Physical removal of invasive species began in February 2013 and chemical control began in April 2013. Mapping continued throughout the next two years to document vegetation and community changes over time and the success of the control plan. This project included multiple site visits over the course of two years. This approach concluded in the development of a five-year invasive species control plan and reporting of the results to the interagency review team.
Date: November 2012-October 2014
Client: Glenthorne Farm Stream Bank
Wetland Delineation Preparation, Nelson County, VA
Wild Ginger Field Services completed a preliminary desktop assessment for a 17-acre parcel in Nelson County for a proposed wetland mitigation bank. Using GIS, we assessed the soils, hydrology, land use history, land cover, topography, and rare, threatened, and endangered species. We conducted a field visit with staff from the interagency review team to discuss wetland creation versus enhancement possibilities, and particular concerns about this site and bank establishment.
Date: November 2012
Client: Unnamed wetland mitigation bank
Long Term Stewardship Assessment, Lone Oak Stream Mitigation Bank, Albemarle County, VA
This project involved a desktop assessment of the agreed upon Long Term Stewardship Plan for Lone Oak Stream Bank in September 2012. We generated a cost estimation for the monitoring work in perpetuity and contrasted this to the current LTSP in place. The purpose of this work was for Timbervest to understand the real costs associated with this portion of their bank responsibilities.
Date: September 2012
Client: Lone Oak Stream Mitigation Bank