Stormwater Infrastructure

Allow Wild Ginger Field Services to assess and manage the stormwater infrastructure in your locality. We shall assess the facility, both the soft and hardscapes, for optimal functionality and on-going maintenance needs at each site visit. We can perform all aspects of vegetation management from invasive species treatment and planning; to creating landscaping plans and planting lists; to vegetation planting and planting oversight; to success monitoring and meadow establishment maintenance. Wild Ginger Field Services is Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) certified, level 1 and 2 installation and design.

Rain Gardens

Wild Ginger Field Services can design, plan, and install, a beautiful rain garden in your yard, front or back. This can address your stormwater footprint, your runoff, while helping the local stream water quality and biological health, and all the while create an interesting landscape feature in your yard. Native plants to suit both wet and dry conditions will create an interesting palette for this unique pocket ecosystem. Wild Ginger Field Services is Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP) certified, level 1 and 2 installation and design. Some funding may be available through the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) on whose technical advisory committee we voluntarily serve.

Waters of the United States Delineations

Wild Ginger Field Services can delineate the surface water resources on-site according to the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manual and their regional supplements. We will take GPS co-ordinates for all wetlands on site. The delineation will be promptly submitted to the Corps upon completion of field work. Final delineation reports generally contain photographs, maps, aerial photographs, flag points, flag locations, USACE confirmation, wetland types, and acreages. Streams and rivers are delineated by walking the length of the stream, capturing changes in direction, course, and form. In order to distinguish between ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams, we most often use the NC Division of Water Quality Stream Classification Method or the Fairfax County Method depending on the geographical location of the site. Final delineation reports generally contain photographs, maps, aerial photographs, flag points, flag locations, stream lengths, and a full description of the site.

Biological Integrity

Aquatic invertebrates are used as biological indicators of aquatic ecosystem integrity. They illustrate the conditions in the stream over time as opposed to a snapshot view provided by a water grab sample. Wild Ginger Field Services can assess the health of a stream before, during, and after any changes are made to the area surrounding the stream. We assess stream health and survey for rare species and species of concern. We utilize the EPA Rapid Bio-assessment Protocol for use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers. A final report includes identification of sampled invertebrates to genus and species. This data will be used to describe the community composition, diversity, ecosystem health, and to generate standard numerical indices such as the biological index score, the Virginia Stream Condition Index (VASCI), or the Coastal Plain Macroinvertebrate Index (CPMI).

Groundwater Monitoring

To develop water budgets for specific sites nested piezometers and ground water wells can be employed. We install hand wells or automatic samplers, using the WRAP Technical Standard. A soil assessment on site will be completed prior to well placement.