Waters of the United States Delineations
Wild Ginger Field Services can delineate the surface water resources on-site according to the 1987 US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) manual and their regional supplements. We will take GPS co-ordinates for all wetlands on site. The delineation will be promptly submitted to the Corps upon completion of field work. Final delineation reports generally contain photographs, maps, aerial photographs, flag points, flag locations, USACE confirmation, wetland types, and acreages. Streams and rivers are delineated by walking the length of the stream, capturing changes in direction, course, and form. In order to distinguish between ephemeral, intermittent, and perennial streams, we most often use the NC Division of Water Quality Stream Classification Method or the Fairfax County Method depending on the geographical location of the site. Final delineation reports generally contain photographs, maps, aerial photographs, flag points, flag locations, stream lengths, and a full description of the site.