Land Use Assessment & Management

Allow us to get to know your site and highlight your natural resources to you; those priority areas worth protecting, those areas to retain as working landscapes, and those areas to enhance for our utilitarian pleasure. Land-use management is best applied with a comprehensive view of the clients needs from their land, both functional and financial; their dislikes and problem areas on their land; and the current best management practices for the resources found onsite. Wild Ginger Field Services shall conduct a thorough desktop assessment of the site (topographic, aerial, land use, surface water features, soils) and a field assessment to ground truth the mapping findings. In partnership with the client, Wild Ginger Field Services can develop a land use management plan, with a 3-5 year timeline, and specific attainable goals and how to reach them. If state or federal funding is available for applicable projects (e.g., stream cattle fencing, riparian buffer planting) Wild Ginger Field Services can advise on how to secure funding. A land use plan for a site creates a clear road map for full realization of a clients vision for their land, allowing them to be good stewards of their land, and leave a positive legacy for future generations.

Phase 1 ESA

Wild Ginger Field Services can complete your Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) prior to the purchase of a new property. These assessments are completed in accordance with the American Society of Materials and Testing (ASTM) Standard Practices for Environmental Site Assessment: Phase 1 ESA Process (ASTM designation E1527 - 2000). This assessment serves the purpose of reporting recognized environmental conditions on commercial real estate.

Baseline Assessments

Wild Ginger Field Services can completed the baseline assessments required for a Open-space or Conservation Easement agreement. The baseline report establishes on-site conditions that will be maintained as part of the easement, in perpetuity. The report will contain GPS co-ordinates which document conditions at specific locations, maps, photographic documentation of site conditions, assessment of all hardened surfaces on site, and an assessment of the ecological resources and integrity at the site.